Page 32 - De Anza College Catalog 2018-2019
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actions. Such behavior includes: direct physical contact, such as hitting or shoving; verbal assaults, such as teasing or name- calling; social isolation or manipulation; and cyberbullying by any means including email, text and social networks or media.
 e goal of the Foothill-De Anza Community College District is to provide a safe learning and working environment for students and employees. Smoking is prohibited in all indoor and outdoor campus locations, with the exception of designated parking lots.  is includes e-cigarettes.
In addition, the district does not allow use of marijuana or cannabis products on campus.  ese are prohibited under federal law.
Smoking is prohibited in district vehicles. “No Smoking” signs shall be conspicuously posted at building entrances and in employee lounges, rest rooms, locker rooms, dressing areas, cafeterias, lunchrooms, and stadium and sports facilities. In addition, designated parking lot areas for smoking areas will be clearly marked.  ose rules are based on California Government Code Section 7596 and Board of Trustees Policy 3217. Noncompliance will result in  nes.
Certain portions of the educational programs require o -campus attendance for scheduled  eld trips and excursions. Unless the course syllabus or the instructor state otherwise, students are responsible for arranging their own transportation. Pursuant to Title 5 CCR Section 55220 (h), each student making a  eld trip or excursion shall be deemed to have waived all claims againstthedistrictforinjury,accident,illness or death occurring during, or by reason of, the  eld trip or excursion by completing the required Student Field Trip/Excursion Agreement Voluntary Assumption of Risk Form.
It is the policy of the district that every course–unless speci cally exempted by statute–will be open to any student who has been admitted to the college and meets the class prerequisites.  is policy applies to courses which must report the class average daily attendance for state aid purposes. It was established under Chapter II, Division 2, Part VI, Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations.
All parking requires a paid fee or permit. Visitors, students and sta  are required to observe all campus parking and tra c regulations enforced year-round by the Foothill-De Anza Community College District Police; failure to comply may subject violators to municipal citations.
Sta  parking areas are identi ed by signs and yellow striping for stalls. Student parking areas are identi ed by white strip- ing for stalls. Disabled parking areas are marked with signs and blue striped stalls.
College quarterly and annual decals are available online and from the cashier's o ce. One-day permits can be purchased from machines in the parking lots. Daily parking permits cost $3. Permit machines take credit cards and cash; no change provided.
 e maximum speed limit is 25 miles per hour on perimeter roads and 10 miles per hour within parking lots. No person shall operate a bicycle, moped or skateboard upon any pedestrian walkway, ramp or patio located within the college campus.
Prerequisites, corequisites and advisories are intended to guide students into courses in which they will have the greatest chance for academic success.
■ Corequisite means a condition of enrollment consisting of a course that a student is required to simultaneously take in order to enroll in a course or educational program.
■ Advisory or recommended preparation means a condition of enrollment that a student is advised, but not required, to meet before or in conjunction with enrollment in a course or educational program.
Challenging Prerequisites
Students may challenge prerequisites and corequisites if they can demonstrate that
■  ey have the knowledge or ability to succeed in the course without the prerequisite or corequisite.
■  e prerequisite or corequisite has been established in an arbitrary manner.
■  e prerequisite is discriminatory or is applied in a discriminatory manner.
■  e prerequisite course is not reasonably available.
To challenge a prerequisite, contact the Evaluations Department for the appropriate next steps at
De Anza follows state and local requirements for priority enrollment.  ese are intended to help new students get started by following important steps for success and to reward continuing students who are making steady progress toward their goals.
To qualify for priority enrollment, students must follow these steps
1. Declare a major on their application
– not "Undecided."
2. Select a goal of transfer, degree or
certi cate.
3. Complete the assessment process.
De Anza uses several methods to assess students in Language Arts and Mathematics, so they can be placed in the right courses for their level of knowledge. Most students will be assessed on the basis of their U.S. high
Prerequisite means a condition of enrollment that a student
is required to meet in order to demonstrate current readiness for a course or educational program.
 * Foothill-De Anza’s Administrative Procedures: Investigation and Resolution of Complaints Regarding Harassment and Discrimination, Procedures to Resolve Student Complaints of Sexual Harassment and Discrimination, and the district’s Unlawful Discrimination Complaint forms are available in the president’s o ce, the o ce of the vice president for Student Services, the district human resources o ce, and the district chancellor’s o ce. Detailed information regarding the sexual harassment, mutual respect, and ADA policies are located at the following campus locations: the president's o ce, the o ce of the vice president for Student Services and the o ce of the dean of Student Development in Student Services.

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